Our Warehouse Location and Delivery Information
"Hey there! Just wanted to give you a quick rundown on our warehouse situation. So, our main hub is located in Stone Lane, Georgia and most of the stuff you order from our store will be shipped from there - we're talking about 90% of our deliveries. But sometimes we need to do a little customization work, like making bigger holsters for our bigger customers or putting custom logos on the holsters for our VIPs, and that can add a bit of extra time to the process.
Now, it usually takes us about 3 to 5 business days to get your order sorted and ready to go. And then, depending on where you are in the world, it'll take another 6 to 14 business days for the delivery to reach you (on average, it takes about 8 business days total for both processing and shipping). Just keep in mind that holidays and stuff can affect those delivery times.
And if you're ordering from Brazil or Peru, local customs might require you to give us your Tax ID. Don't worry, we'll only use that information to deliver your package and then we'll delete it from our system.
And for those of you ordering from our Hong Kong or Vietnam warehouses, the average delivery time is about 10 business days, with a range of 8 to 18 days. We're always trying to make the delivery process faster, but we apologize if it takes a bit longer. If you've got any questions or concerns, just hit us up on our Contact Us page, send an email to support@dinosaurized.com, or use the chat box at the bottom of the screen for a quicker reply. And if we're swamped and can't get to your chat right away, just leave your request in the chat box and we'll follow up with an email update. Thanks!